Billable/Specific ICD-10-CM Codes - Page 178
There are 35,750 ICD-10-CM codes which are billable/specific and can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes as there are no codes with a greater level of specificity under each code.
- N49.3 - Fournier gangrene
- N49.8 - Inflammatory disorders of other specified male genital organs
- N49.9 - Inflammatory disorder of unspecified male genital organ
- N50.0 - Atrophy of testis
- N50.1 - Vascular disorders of male genital organs
- N50.3 - Cyst of epididymis
- N50.811 - Right testicular pain
- N50.812 - Left testicular pain
- N50.819 - Testicular pain, unspecified
- N50.82 - Scrotal pain
- N50.89 - Other specified disorders of the male genital organs
- N50.9 - Disorder of male genital organs, unspecified
- N52.01 - Erectile dysfunction due to arterial insufficiency
- N52.02 - Corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction
- N52.03 - Combined arterial insufficiency and corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction
- N52.1 - Erectile dysfunction due to diseases classified elsewhere
- N52.2 - Drug-induced erectile dysfunction
- N52.31 - Erectile dysfunction following radical prostatectomy
- N52.32 - Erectile dysfunction following radical cystectomy
- N52.33 - Erectile dysfunction following urethral surgery
- N52.34 - Erectile dysfunction following simple prostatectomy
- N52.35 - Erectile dysfunction following radiation therapy
- N52.36 - Erectile dysfunction following interstitial seed therapy
- N52.37 - Erectile dysfunction following prostate ablative therapy
- N52.39 - Other and unspecified postprocedural erectile dysfunction
- N52.8 - Other male erectile dysfunction
- N52.9 - Male erectile dysfunction, unspecified
- N53.11 - Retarded ejaculation
- N53.12 - Painful ejaculation
- N53.13 - Anejaculatory orgasm
- N53.14 - Retrograde ejaculation
- N53.19 - Other ejaculatory dysfunction
- N53.8 - Other male sexual dysfunction
- N53.9 - Unspecified male sexual dysfunction
- N60.01 - Solitary cyst of right breast
- N60.02 - Solitary cyst of left breast
- N60.09 - Solitary cyst of unspecified breast
- N60.11 - Diffuse cystic mastopathy of right breast
- N60.12 - Diffuse cystic mastopathy of left breast
- N60.19 - Diffuse cystic mastopathy of unspecified breast
- N60.21 - Fibroadenosis of right breast
- N60.22 - Fibroadenosis of left breast
- N60.29 - Fibroadenosis of unspecified breast
- N60.31 - Fibrosclerosis of right breast
- N60.32 - Fibrosclerosis of left breast
- N60.39 - Fibrosclerosis of unspecified breast
- N60.41 - Mammary duct ectasia of right breast
- N60.42 - Mammary duct ectasia of left breast
- N60.49 - Mammary duct ectasia of unspecified breast
- N60.81 - Other benign mammary dysplasias of right breast
- N60.82 - Other benign mammary dysplasias of left breast
- N60.89 - Other benign mammary dysplasias of unspecified breast
- N60.91 - Unspecified benign mammary dysplasia of right breast
- N60.92 - Unspecified benign mammary dysplasia of left breast
- N60.99 - Unspecified benign mammary dysplasia of unspecified breast
- N61.0 - Mastitis without abscess
- N61.1 - Abscess of the breast and nipple
- N61.20 - Granulomatous mastitis, unspecified breast
- N61.21 - Granulomatous mastitis, right breast
- N61.22 - Granulomatous mastitis, left breast
- N61.23 - Granulomatous mastitis, bilateral breast
- N63.0 - Unspecified lump in unspecified breast
- N63.10 - Unspecified lump in the right breast, unspecified quadrant
- N63.11 - Unspecified lump in the right breast, upper outer quadrant
- N63.12 - Unspecified lump in the right breast, upper inner quadrant
- N63.13 - Unspecified lump in the right breast, lower outer quadrant
- N63.14 - Unspecified lump in the right breast, lower inner quadrant
- N63.15 - Unspecified lump in the right breast, overlapping quadrants
- N63.20 - Unspecified lump in the left breast, unspecified quadrant
- N63.21 - Unspecified lump in the left breast, upper outer quadrant
- N63.22 - Unspecified lump in the left breast, upper inner quadrant
- N63.23 - Unspecified lump in the left breast, lower outer quadrant
- N63.24 - Unspecified lump in the left breast, lower inner quadrant
- N63.25 - Unspecified lump in the left breast, overlapping quadrants
- N63.31 - Unspecified lump in axillary tail of the right breast
- N63.32 - Unspecified lump in axillary tail of the left breast
- N63.41 - Unspecified lump in right breast, subareolar
- N63.42 - Unspecified lump in left breast, subareolar
- N64.0 - Fissure and fistula of nipple
- N64.1 - Fat necrosis of breast
- N64.2 - Atrophy of breast
- N64.3 - Galactorrhea not associated with childbirth
- N64.4 - Mastodynia
- N64.51 - Induration of breast
- N64.52 - Nipple discharge
- N64.53 - Retraction of nipple
- N64.59 - Other signs and symptoms in breast
- N64.81 - Ptosis of breast
- N64.82 - Hypoplasia of breast
- N64.89 - Other specified disorders of breast
- N64.9 - Disorder of breast, unspecified
- N65.0 - Deformity of reconstructed breast
- N65.1 - Disproportion of reconstructed breast
- N70.01 - Acute salpingitis
- N70.02 - Acute oophoritis
- N70.03 - Acute salpingitis and oophoritis
- N70.11 - Chronic salpingitis
- N70.12 - Chronic oophoritis
- N70.13 - Chronic salpingitis and oophoritis
- N70.91 - Salpingitis, unspecified