Billable/Specific ICD-10-CM Codes - Page 177
There are 35,750 ICD-10-CM codes which are billable/specific and can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes as there are no codes with a greater level of specificity under each code.
- N39.0 - Urinary tract infection, site not specified
- N39.3 - Stress incontinence (female) (male)
- N39.41 - Urge incontinence
- N39.42 - Incontinence without sensory awareness
- N39.43 - Post-void dribbling
- N39.44 - Nocturnal enuresis
- N39.45 - Continuous leakage
- N39.46 - Mixed incontinence
- N39.490 - Overflow incontinence
- N39.491 - Coital incontinence
- N39.492 - Postural (urinary) incontinence
- N39.498 - Other specified urinary incontinence
- N39.8 - Other specified disorders of urinary system
- N39.9 - Disorder of urinary system, unspecified
- N40.0 - Benign prostatic hyperplasia without lower urinary tract symptoms
- N40.1 - Benign prostatic hyperplasia with lower urinary tract symptoms
- N40.2 - Nodular prostate without lower urinary tract symptoms
- N40.3 - Nodular prostate with lower urinary tract symptoms
- N41.0 - Acute prostatitis
- N41.1 - Chronic prostatitis
- N41.2 - Abscess of prostate
- N41.3 - Prostatocystitis
- N41.4 - Granulomatous prostatitis
- N41.8 - Other inflammatory diseases of prostate
- N41.9 - Inflammatory disease of prostate, unspecified
- N42.0 - Calculus of prostate
- N42.1 - Congestion and hemorrhage of prostate
- N42.30 - Unspecified dysplasia of prostate
- N42.31 - Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
- N42.32 - Atypical small acinar proliferation of prostate
- N42.39 - Other dysplasia of prostate
- N42.81 - Prostatodynia syndrome
- N42.82 - Prostatosis syndrome
- N42.83 - Cyst of prostate
- N42.89 - Other specified disorders of prostate
- N42.9 - Disorder of prostate, unspecified
- N43.0 - Encysted hydrocele
- N43.1 - Infected hydrocele
- N43.2 - Other hydrocele
- N43.3 - Hydrocele, unspecified
- N43.40 - Spermatocele of epididymis, unspecified
- N43.41 - Spermatocele of epididymis, single
- N43.42 - Spermatocele of epididymis, multiple
- N44.00 - Torsion of testis, unspecified
- N44.01 - Extravaginal torsion of spermatic cord
- N44.02 - Intravaginal torsion of spermatic cord
- N44.03 - Torsion of appendix testis
- N44.04 - Torsion of appendix epididymis
- N44.1 - Cyst of tunica albuginea testis
- N44.2 - Benign cyst of testis
- N44.8 - Other noninflammatory disorders of the testis
- N45.1 - Epididymitis
- N45.2 - Orchitis
- N45.3 - Epididymo-orchitis
- N45.4 - Abscess of epididymis or testis
- N46.01 - Organic azoospermia
- N46.021 - Azoospermia due to drug therapy
- N46.022 - Azoospermia due to infection
- N46.023 - Azoospermia due to obstruction of efferent ducts
- N46.024 - Azoospermia due to radiation
- N46.025 - Azoospermia due to systemic disease
- N46.029 - Azoospermia due to other extratesticular causes
- N46.11 - Organic oligospermia
- N46.121 - Oligospermia due to drug therapy
- N46.122 - Oligospermia due to infection
- N46.123 - Oligospermia due to obstruction of efferent ducts
- N46.124 - Oligospermia due to radiation
- N46.125 - Oligospermia due to systemic disease
- N46.129 - Oligospermia due to other extratesticular causes
- N46.8 - Other male infertility
- N46.9 - Male infertility, unspecified
- N47.0 - Adherent prepuce, newborn
- N47.1 - Phimosis
- N47.2 - Paraphimosis
- N47.3 - Deficient foreskin
- N47.4 - Benign cyst of prepuce
- N47.5 - Adhesions of prepuce and glans penis
- N47.6 - Balanoposthitis
- N47.7 - Other inflammatory diseases of prepuce
- N47.8 - Other disorders of prepuce
- N48.0 - Leukoplakia of penis
- N48.1 - Balanitis
- N48.21 - Abscess of corpus cavernosum and penis
- N48.22 - Cellulitis of corpus cavernosum and penis
- N48.29 - Other inflammatory disorders of penis
- N48.30 - Priapism, unspecified
- N48.31 - Priapism due to trauma
- N48.32 - Priapism due to disease classified elsewhere
- N48.33 - Priapism, drug-induced
- N48.39 - Other priapism
- N48.5 - Ulcer of penis
- N48.6 - Induration penis plastica
- N48.81 - Thrombosis of superficial vein of penis
- N48.82 - Acquired torsion of penis
- N48.83 - Acquired buried penis
- N48.89 - Other specified disorders of penis
- N48.9 - Disorder of penis, unspecified
- N49.0 - Inflammatory disorders of seminal vesicle
- N49.1 - Inflammatory disorders of spermatic cord, tunica vaginalis and vas deferens
- N49.2 - Inflammatory disorders of scrotum