2025 HCPCS Code M1184
Documentation of medical reason(s) for not prescribing or administering corticosteroid or immunosuppressant treatment (e.g., allergy, intolerance, infectious etiology, pancreatic insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, prior bowel surgical interventions, celiac disease, receiving other medication, awaiting diagnostic workup results for alternative etiologies, other medical reasons/contraindication)
TAGS: prescribing prior receiving pancreatic results diagnostic corticosteroid infectious surgical documentation treatment awaiting medical immunosuppressant administering bowel alternative celiac workupShort Description | Doc med rsn no cst/ist rx |
HCPCS Action Code | N - No maintenance for this code |
HCPCS Coverage Code | C - Carrier judgment |
HCPCS Code Added Date | January 01, 2023 |
HCPCS Action Effective Date | January 01, 2023 |
HCPCS Pricing Indicator Code | 00 - Service not separately priced by part B (e.G., services not covered, bundled, used by part a only, etc.) |
HCPCS Type Of Service Code | 1 - Medical care |
HCPCS Multiple Pricing Indicator Code | 9 - Not applicable as HCPCS not priced separately by part B (pricing indicator is 00) or value is not established (pricing indicator is '99') |
HCPCS Anesthesia Base Unit Quantity | 0 |
HCPCS Coverage Issues Manual Reference Section Number |
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