Billable/Specific ICD-10-CM Codes - Page 213
There are 35,750 ICD-10-CM codes which are billable/specific and can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes as there are no codes with a greater level of specificity under each code.
- R45.0 - Nervousness
- R45.1 - Restlessness and agitation
- R45.2 - Unhappiness
- R45.3 - Demoralization and apathy
- R45.4 - Irritability and anger
- R45.5 - Hostility
- R45.6 - Violent behavior
- R45.7 - State of emotional shock and stress, unspecified
- R45.81 - Low self-esteem
- R45.82 - Worries
- R45.83 - Excessive crying of child, adolescent or adult
- R45.84 - Anhedonia
- R45.850 - Homicidal ideations
- R45.851 - Suicidal ideations
- R45.86 - Emotional lability
- R45.87 - Impulsiveness
- R45.88 - Nonsuicidal self-harm
- R45.89 - Other symptoms and signs involving emotional state
- R46.0 - Very low level of personal hygiene
- R46.1 - Bizarre personal appearance
- R46.2 - Strange and inexplicable behavior
- R46.3 - Overactivity
- R46.4 - Slowness and poor responsiveness
- R46.5 - Suspiciousness and marked evasiveness
- R46.6 - Undue concern and preoccupation with stressful events
- R46.7 - Verbosity and circumstantial detail obscuring reason for contact
- R46.81 - Obsessive-compulsive behavior
- R46.89 - Other symptoms and signs involving appearance and behavior
- R47.01 - Aphasia
- R47.02 - Dysphasia
- R47.1 - Dysarthria and anarthria
- R47.81 - Slurred speech
- R47.82 - Fluency disorder in conditions classified elsewhere
- R47.89 - Other speech disturbances
- R47.9 - Unspecified speech disturbances
- R48.0 - Dyslexia and alexia
- R48.1 - Agnosia
- R48.2 - Apraxia
- R48.3 - Visual agnosia
- R48.8 - Other symbolic dysfunctions
- R48.9 - Unspecified symbolic dysfunctions
- R49.0 - Dysphonia
- R49.1 - Aphonia
- R49.21 - Hypernasality
- R49.22 - Hyponasality
- R49.8 - Other voice and resonance disorders
- R49.9 - Unspecified voice and resonance disorder
- R50.2 - Drug induced fever
- R50.81 - Fever presenting with conditions classified elsewhere
- R50.82 - Postprocedural fever
- R50.83 - Postvaccination fever
- R50.84 - Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction
- R50.9 - Fever, unspecified
- R51.0 - Headache with orthostatic component, not elsewhere classified
- R51.9 - Headache, unspecified
- R53.0 - Neoplastic (malignant) related fatigue
- R53.1 - Weakness
- R53.2 - Functional quadriplegia
- R53.81 - Other malaise
- R53.82 - Chronic fatigue, unspecified
- R53.83 - Other fatigue
- R56.00 - Simple febrile convulsions
- R56.01 - Complex febrile convulsions
- R56.1 - Post traumatic seizures
- R56.9 - Unspecified convulsions
- R57.0 - Cardiogenic shock
- R57.1 - Hypovolemic shock
- R57.8 - Other shock
- R57.9 - Shock, unspecified
- R59.0 - Localized enlarged lymph nodes
- R59.1 - Generalized enlarged lymph nodes
- R59.9 - Enlarged lymph nodes, unspecified
- R60.0 - Localized edema
- R60.1 - Generalized edema
- R60.9 - Edema, unspecified
- R62.0 - Delayed milestone in childhood
- R62.50 - Unspecified lack of expected normal physiological development in childhood
- R62.51 - Failure to thrive (child)
- R62.52 - Short stature (child)
- R62.59 - Other lack of expected normal physiological development in childhood
- R62.7 - Adult failure to thrive
- R63.0 - Anorexia
- R63.1 - Polydipsia
- R63.2 - Polyphagia
- R63.30 - Feeding difficulties, unspecified
- R63.31 - Pediatric feeding disorder, acute
- R63.32 - Pediatric feeding disorder, chronic
- R63.39 - Other feeding difficulties
- R63.4 - Abnormal weight loss
- R63.5 - Abnormal weight gain
- R63.6 - Underweight
- R63.8 - Other symptoms and signs concerning food and fluid intake
- R65.10 - Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) of non-infectious origin without acute organ dysfunction
- R65.11 - Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) of non-infectious origin with acute organ dysfunction
- R65.20 - Severe sepsis without septic shock
- R65.21 - Severe sepsis with septic shock
- R68.0 - Hypothermia, not associated with low environmental temperature
- R68.11 - Excessive crying of infant (baby)
- R68.12 - Fussy infant (baby)
- R68.13 - Apparent life threatening event in infant (ALTE)